Thursday, June 23, 2016

Common Makeup Mistakes (And TIPS on How to Fix Them!)

     Hello everyone! Today I am going to show you some of the common mistakes that I've made on my makeup when I'm not yet familiar with Google and YouTube. LOL!!

     So in the pictures below, you will see the THUMBS UP (👍- Right) and THUMBS DOWN (👎-Left) with my Eyes and Eyebrows. I'm not saying that the the Left side is wrong or looks terrible, what I want to emphasize is that the Right side looks nice and flattering. Let's begin in an orderly manner.

          * Choose the right color/shade of eyebrow pencil or whatever you want to use for your eyebrows.                   * Concentrate the dark color on to your eyebrow arc rather than the inner corner of your brows.

( Dark haired people should go one or two shades lighter than the color of hair on the head; Light haired people to go two shades darker than the color of hair on the head.)

           * Apply eyeshadow primer or concealer before applying your eyeshadow so it will blend easily and lasts longer.

            ( Don't forget to set your primer or concealer with powder to prevent from creasing )

         * Don't apply SHIMMERY eyeshadow all over your eyelid/crease most especially when you have hooded eyes (like mine), 'cause it will look more bigger and puffier. Instead, apply it on the inner area of your eyes and underneath the arc of your brows. 

When you apply eyeshadow, remember to blend, blend and blend.

       *  Don't make your lower lashline darker than the upper, 'cause it will looks like your eyes are tired and droopy. 

         (You can apply the same color of the lighter eyeshadow that you apply on your lids.)

   Overall, it's still up to you on how you want to wear or apply your makeup. Do whatever makes you happy and beautiful. I don't want to offend anyone  'cause I just want to share how my makeup improves (unlike before) and  basic tips that I have learned from my favorites beauty gurus. 

       Hope you like it and until my next one!! 



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